On Thursday November 21st I got off work, checked my phone, and found 6 missed calls, a new voice mail, and several text messages, all from Mom and Dad. Whoops! I called Mom back to find out what was going on, turns out that she was on her way to pick up some extra equipment from the cottage in Mississippi when she had a blowout!! Thankfully Dad was able to go rescue her because shortly after he got to where she was the call came in that our Mother To Be (Hence forth MTB) was having contractions three hours away. At this point I'm still in Alabama so I pulled up the GPS on my phone to find the routes that we could take that would meetup somewhere so that we didn't have to take two cars all the way to the birth. After confirming the routes with Mom I got on the road, and an hour and a half later we met up and left her car in a parking lot.
Now comes the hurry part! On my way to the rendezvous I was only driving 80mph, but after I picked up Mom, and her bag of instruments that would legitimize our speeding if we were pulled over, I bumped it up to around 85-90mph. Well when we were 50 miles from our destination the MTB calls to tell us that her water has just broken!! After that I floored it!! At one point I was doing 105mph!! And I'm not gonna lie, it was FUN! :) Thankfully I didn't get pulled over, and we made that last 50 miles in about 30 minutes.
Then the wait... When we finally got to the house around 5:30 the MTB was doing well and was progressing, but was only about half way dilated. So after Mom checked the baby's heart tones we sat in the living room and waited, Mom had a magazine and I scrolled Pinterest.