Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random Chance? Star Dust? God?

Maybe I'm just dense, but the first time I studied biology I somehow missed how excruciatingly detailed DNA and the genetic code are. Sure I learned about the double helix, and how no DNA is exactly the same (except in identical twins), and that our whole genetic makeup is derived from our DNA. What I didn't realize is that that double helix repeats, and repeats, and repeats, to form a super coil, and the super coils form chromosomes, and chromosomes are in the nucleus of EVERY SINGLE CELL IN OUR BODY!!!      When I was reviewing it the other day it hit me like brick wall, and I reread the page 3 times just to wrap my tiny brain around how awesome, and epic, and marvelously choreographed the whole process is!!

After I had that astounding revelation, my next thought was, how can people think that this all happens by random chance? I mean come on people! We are the most complex life forms on this planet and we didn't even know about DNA until about the 1960s! How on earth do we think that all of this came together by happenstance? The odds of just one protein chain forming on its own are incredible, and for us to think that every living thing, from amoebas to humans, just happened to come together from star dust, or an oozing slime pit, or a big explosion, is just mind blowing! I don't under stand how anyone with a brain in their head can look out on this amazing planet, at our complex solar system, at ourselves, and not see in it the handy work of a master Creator.

While I am studying I am reading over, and over, and over the whole process of gestation, and it never ceases to amaze me. To think that every person started as a single cell with 46 chromosomes, and over the relatively short period of nine months becomes a living, breathing human being is astounding! Looking at the process, and seeing how complex it is, and how easily it could go wrong, yet rarely does, I can't comprehend how someone could think it's just a coincidence.

When you see a baby born so perfectly human, yet oh soo tiny, and you know the journey it has made in the previous nine months, how can you say that there is no God? No master Creator?



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